A complete understanding of your product/company for which you require the brand identity is the critical starting point of the design process. I'll send you a questionnaire to understand more about your company, goals, vision, target audience, how you want to appear to them, what sort of feeling you want to evoke in them, your competitors, and a few more.
I'll research your competitors' branding and another branding in your target market to see how we can create a different and emphatical brand identity.
I'll create a mind map using your product/company name and words that describe its main characteristics. From there, I'll branch out to associated terms and form an 'idea cloud.' From this cloud, I'll look for ideas that could be represented visually and brainstorm more on them.
After choosing the exciting and more potent ideas from the previous stage, I'll start sketching concepts for the logo/identity I'll draw them on paper. Sketching reveals more exciting ideas and encourages further exploration.
I'll render the more essential concepts of the logo in Illustrator and share it with you. At this stage, I usually create the ideas only in black and white or greyscale so that we are not distracted by color when selecting the concept.
Once you select a concept, I'll try to develop more variations on it and present it to you. By this time, I'd also introduce color and show some variations on it. Once you select the final design, I'll refine it if required.
Designing collaterals
Once we finalize the brand identity, I'll design the collaterals that you need, such as business card, letterhead, and favicon.
This step is similar to the research of identity design. A complete understanding of your product/company for which you require the app/website is the critical starting point of the design process. I'll send you a set of few questions to understand about your company, your goals, your target audience, what your users want to achieve with the product, features you want to implement, your competitors and how you are different from them, any constraints you have, and a few more questions.
I'll try out your existing product and your competitors' products to see where we stand compared to them and how they've solved some of our common problems.
I'll go through any information that can help me understand the users, their requirement, and their behavior such as survey results, customer feedback, app/site analytics reports, user testing videos, etc.
With the insights I gather in the previous phase, I'll assess how best the features/functionality you're planning to implement would add to the product's user experience and help achieve our goals and our users' goals.
Next, we'll define the priorities of user tasks (for apps) and content (for websites). For apps, I'll create a use case diagram, and then we will prioritize the use cases into high, medium, and low. For websites, I'll make a rough site map that gives a bird's eye view of the content's organization.
In this phase, we'll nail down the best way to organize information across the screens, within the screen, how to navigate between screens, and how the product would respond to user actions. I'll begin by sketching the pages. Then I'll create wireframes and send them to you. The wireframes will have all the information for different screen sizes. The wireframes will also contain notes on the interaction and any other minute detail that should reach you and the developers.
Once we’re satisfied with the way the product would work, we’ll establish a visual style that is appropriate for the app and its users, and also agreeable to you. I’ll design the screens in the same visual style.
Once you're happy with the design, I'll send you the final deliverables and communicate the design decisions so that your development team can understand and implement it. The final deliverables usually are:
Brand identity
Logo (in EPS, PDF/PNG/SVG formats)
Brand guidelines (in PDF format)
Mobile app and website
Wireframes (in PDF format)
Page/screen mockups (in .fig/.xd format).
Image/icon assets (in PNG/SVG format).
Style guide that specifies the dimensions, colors and typography (in PDF format).
HTML and CSS of the website/page/component.